I have never knowingly seen these in England, and with the way the flowers 'popped' from the green verges they made a welcome and lasting impression. Through the first summer and autumn I have been here, and even into December, these flowers have been a constant companion.
I have often heard that chicory has an edible root which may be used as a coffee substitute when roasted and ground, something I have always fancied trying. A timely leaf crop may also be had from chicory and its siblings when forced over winter, again something I plan to try. A project for the garden this year is to encourage some wild and seed-grown chicory plants and the do some experimentation!
My arrival here was shortly followed by the beginning of the cucumber season. Hot weather, sun and an abundance of cucumbers (and tomatoes and melons and peppers and many more lovely veg) also served to remind me that I was not in England any longer, especially whilst savouring a delicious bowl of tarator (таратор), a Bulgarian speciality which is a cold summer soup made of yoghurt, cucumber and garlic (lots!). Just what you need when the temperatures top 25ºC. Having consumed many, many bowls of this highly recommended dish - mostly prepared by my generous and friendly neighbour - this too made a strong impression on me and chicory and cucumbers together serve as a suitable focus of why I'm here and what I hope to be up to...